Monday, February 16, 2009

Phones Calls to Samoa

I don't know what everyone uses for calling Samoa, or what your experiences with calling have been. I find it worth writing about since at our house, long distance costs have now surpassed the monthly electricity bill. Perhaps you will have some comments or tips to add on what has or has not worked for you.

Using our phone company (Comcast), the rate was around $1.04 per minute. That prompted me to check out other options. I ended up using Nobelcom/Enjoy Prepaid's Emerald plan at 33.5 cents per minute. When I buy $100 of service, they charge $95. It sounds like a lot of talk time, but is easy to blow through. They also give you a $10 credit for each person you refer to their service, so I received a break when grandma & auntie bought minutes too.

We call Paul back "on our dime" if he initiates the call, since the costs calling from there to here are high. Besides, he needs to save his money for new fans. What he has bought there keeps breaking. It sounds like having a fan there is pretty much a necessity.

Getting back to the long distance service; our experience with Nobelcom has been pretty good. Although there is a slight delay in hearing one another. We find ourselves sometimes starting a sentence at the same time and then saying "go ahead" to let the other speak.

Paul's Internet situation is not established for use of Skype just yet. Once he has Internet at home, we will try that option for calls.

If you have had some experience or tips on long distance calling, please share your comments.

1 comment:

marija said...

we use Skype to call Koa's cell phone. It is cheaper that way. He does not have internet at his place or school, he can only e-mail from Apia(about 20 miles away from the school he is at).